Friday, February 19, 2016

Vision Without Glasses Review | How to get 20/20 vision naturally

Vision Without Glasses Review 

Safe Method To Have a 20/20 Vision Naturally 

improve vision without any dangerous and expensive surgery
How good would you feel waking up one morning having a crystal clear vision without wearing that glasses of yours for a long period of time?. Wouldn't that make you feel really nice? many people wear glasses nowadays, don't you even wonder why? Well we are in living and defending on new technology mostly on a computer-focused world. Since most Doctor's use technology? it means higher cost since they pay for it. And if something goes wrong? another money needs to be pull out on your pocket. 
Did you know that there is another way to have a clear vision simply by following instructions that can be found on a book? The book I'm talking about is the revolutionary book Vision Without Glasses. In this book author Duke Peterson elaborates upon the Bates method, which can help you attain perfect 20/20 vision without glasses, or contact lenses, or costly surgery.
Usually, if you don’t want to wear glasses, or if you find them uncomfortable or if you just want the feeling of wind in your face, then the most popular and widely suggested solution is to either wear contact lenses or get a LASIK eye surgery.
You probably know all this before. In fact, if you are here, you have probably already considered wearing lenses or getting an eye surgery. Unfortunately, both of these methods come with their own host of problems.

The problem with Contact Lenses and LASIK eye surgery

Contact lenses, although providing temporary relief from the weight of glasses on your face, are actually pretty uncomfortable. Your eyes may get red and irritable, and it’s a real hassle to put them and on or take them off. And you can’t have it on while taking a nap or going to sleep. And you have to store them very carefully in case they break. Sometimes they may fall and get lost in a crowd, leaving you partially blind.
And then there’s LASIK eye surgery. You have probably heard of a number of people, may be your friends or relatives, who have had a successful eye surgery and are now living a glasses-free life. But tell me, why do they make you sign a document declaring that they are not responsible in case the surgery fails, makes your vision worse, or anything like that.
The fact is that LASIK surgery, while successful in the majority of cases, simply is not perfect and generally has a risk of failure – the word “failure” being worsening of vision, only temporary vision improvement or even blindness. The fact is that if you opt for LASIK eye surgery, you are taking a pretty big risk – and you don’t want to take a risk when it comes to your eyes.
So now that we have established that the two popular solutions for having vision without glasses actually have many problems, let’s go ahead and see the natural way to have perfect 20/20 vision in this Vision Without Glasses review.

Enter “Vision Without Glasses”

“Vision Without Glasses” is an e-book that is based on the age-old Bates Method. What the Bates Method says is that it’s very much possible to get perfect 20/20 vision without wearing any glasses. Also, one of the major propositions that Professor Bates made is that the glasses you are wearing not only does nothing to improve your long-term vision, but actually degrades it as time passes. Yup, according to Dr William H Bates, those glasses that you are wearing is actually making your vision worse!

Bates said that the myopic vision that we get is the result of tension around the eyeball and that it could also be results of bad eye habits, i.e. a bad way in which we are using your eyes right from childhood, which may have resulted in the degradation of eyesight over time. It is very much possible that these bad habits may have been inherited from your parents, which might be why your myopic vision problem is passed down through multiple generations.
The e-book, “Vision Without Glasses” expands upon this method in a very nice way. The author, Duke Peterson, is an ophthalmologist who has studied this method in detail and described it in a good way that is easy for anyone to follow. I highly recommend checking out the book even if you are at least a little interested in living a life without a constant weight on your nose.

I understand your skepticism

The thing is, the information in the book worked out really well for me. After reading the book and implementing the simple methods that are described in the e-book, I have now disposed of my glasses and I am now living a glasses-free life.
But how? What the hell is this magic method? And why the frack hasn't your optician told you about it?
When you think about it, opticians run a big empire. The entire eyeglasses industry is very big and supports hundreds of thousands of jobs and the people who hold these jobs. Imagine if everyone started implementing the Bates method and started disposing of their glasses. The entire industry would fall apart and numerous jobs would be lost and lot of products will have to be put in the garbage dump. So many people will stop making money – millions of dollars of money.
We can’t blame them. All industries and all businesses are essentially selfish and look out for themselves.
No eyeglass no contact lenses no surgery
But you don’t have to be part of the scam. By purchasing  this book and implementing the methods found in the book, you no longer need to buy in to the lies that the opticians are telling you (hell, they probably don’t know about this method). By buying this book, you can finally live a glasses-free life and just imagine the face of your optician when you go and confront him, having perfect vision with no glasses at all!
The “Vision Without Glasses” is pure gold for the valuable information that it contains, and it’s perfectly worth it for the price of $37. That’s much, much lower than what you would usually pay for a pair of glasses. Get hold of this valuable information: Click Here to buy the book now!

What Will You Find in Vision Without Glasses?

In this bookyou can find a whole bunch of very valuable information regarding your eyes. Not only will you get the exact procedures and exercises that will lead you to 20/20 vision, there’s also a lot of good information regarding eyesight in general. This helps you uncover all the myths that surround eyesight, eye strain and eye fatigue.
Here are the summaries of some of the chapters found in the book:

The Top Causes of Eye Strain and Fatigue

This chapter faces the truth and really reveals to you the real sources of eye strain. There are numerous reasons for general eye strain, any form which generally leads to very slight eyesight degradation in the long-term. Some of the causes are:
  • Improper posture
  • Bad lighting in your work area
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Cramped working space
  • Prolonged usage of computer and TV
  • Poor lighting
  • General physical and mental stress
  • Reading without enough light

Why You Should Relax Your Eyes

Have a 20/20 vision
Physical work is something that we don’t do a lot of nowadays. But imagine if your job consisted of continuous physical work for 18 hours per day, and you got less than 5 hours of sleep every day. Wouldn't you get really tired? You would get so tired, you would practically be a zombie and your physical work quality and speed would be drastically low.
We don’t do much physical work in this day and age, but isn't the kind of strain that I described above exactly what we are doing with our eyes? The average person looks at a digital screen for more than 9 hours a day, and if you are especially busy, you might be looking at digital screens for more than 12 hours. The problem is that nowadays we depend on digital screens for both work and entertainment. This is a serious problem that causes us to look at bright screen all the time.
In Vision Without Glassesyou will find an entire chapter that’s completely dedicated to why you should relax your eyes. Just like any other muscle, your eyes get tired after prolonged use, and it’s imperative that you rest them once in a while.
This chapter teaches you the various effective ways with which you can relax your eyes and relieve the strain that’s caused by looking at bright screens.
Does relaxing your eyes really help? Well, according to TIME magazine, merely relaxing your eyes for ten minutes not only relieves eye strain, but also boosts cognitive brain function. Vision Without Glasses elaborates on such benefits, while giving you good advice on how to relax your eyes.

Poor Eyesight – The Myths and the Truth

This chapter in Vision Without Glasses elaborates on all the myths that surround eyesight in general. There are so many myths that have not been scientifically verified, but yet have been passed through multiple generations. Some of these absolute myths regarding your vision are:
  • Eating carrots can help improve your vision and are good for your eyes – this is a myth because that follows from the myth that Vitamin A is good for your eyes. Yes, the Vitamin A in carrots is good for your eyes, but only as far as general health is concerned. It can’t actually alleviate near-sightedness or far-sightedness.
  • It’s a myth that if you use reading glasses that are purchased over the counter, it can harm your vision.
  • Watching TV is bad for your vision – this is a myth. It’s possible that extremely prolonged TV-watching for 16 hours a day can start to damage your vision, but even “extreme” TV watching by conventional standards doesn't exceed more than 8 hours per day. And you probably know a lot of people who spend all day on the computer and TV and yet do not have to wear glasses – this is because TV-watching is not a cause for myopic vision.
Vision Without Glasses provides a complete explanation for the truth behind these many myths. It’s wise not to fall for these myths and instead face the truth.

Should You Wear Glasses to Improve Your Eyesight?

Considering that the e-book is called Vision Without Glasses, you get a chapter in the e-book where the author elaborates on the general ineffectiveness of glasses, and why wearing glasses actually does nothing to improve your vision, but actually causes your vision to deteriorate over a period of time.
Many experts argue that glasses actually does nothing for your vision – only helps you see clearly. But other experts say otherwise. This e-book comes clear on misconceptions and tells you the scientific reasons behind why glasses degrade your eyesight.

Vision Exercises to Improve Eyesight

This chapter really is the crux of Vision Without Glasses, as the entire Bates method is based around doing a couple of eye exercises consistently. The e-book completely gives you an eye exercise plan that involves doing these eye exercises for just 15 minutes a day – this will make you gradually see improvements in your vision over a couple of months.
Some of the exercises proposed by Bates, upon which this book has expanded, are:
  • Focusing
  • Palming
  • Reading special charts
  • Eye muscle movement
  • And more…
Even if you heard of those exercises, the key to improving your vision is doing all these exercises consistently and with repetition, for which the book gives you a clear plan.


Vision Without Glasses is certainly a revolutionary book that really touches upon the benefits of age-old extra ordinary Bates method. It shakes up the waters and really gives you a couple of key truths and advice. In short, it can truly help you achieve 20/20 vision without glasses.

What Causes the Mental Strain In Your Life?

What Causes the Mental Strain In Your Life?
Mental strain is the main cause of eyesight problems and ailments. If strain can be eliminated from the eyes, eye sight will improve naturally. Teaching the eyes to relax is an important factor in getting rid of vision problems. Unfortunately, outside stressors and strain cannot always be controlled. The only thing we can control is our reaction to outside sources, but those outside factors can really do a number on our eyes.

There are a number of things each day that can cause us stress. Some are within our power to chance, but most are not. Financial problems, heartache, family problems, death, illness, or weather are some of the stressful factors we face in our lives. We may be able to chance a financial situation, heartache, or a family issue, but it's hard to control the weather or a death.
One thing you always have control of is thought patterns. If negative thoughts are keeping your down, you are the only one who can change that pattern of thought. Dealing with your negative thoughts can actually solve many of the problems we once though were out of our control. Thinking more positive will cause less strain in the family and eliminate those problems. Positive outlook on life can make you feel better and leave you less susceptible to disease and illness.
It is human nature to look for outside sources and reasons for our own negative behavior. We tend to blame other people or the weather or the traffic for our negative thoughts. Although, these outside sources can initially make us angry or frustrated, we are the ones who decide to stay in the negative mind set. Negativity causes stress and strain in our lives and causes excess strain on the eyes.
Take charge of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Take time to figure out why you are feeling so negative. What is it that is it keeping you upset or frustrated? What steps can you take to fix those problems and emotions? Once you figure out what is causing the emotions, fix it. Don't wait for others to come and fix it for you, you will be waiting a long time.

Strain and stress is the main cause of eye ailments. Concentrate on positive thinking to increase health and reduce eye strain.

What Are Your Eyes Saying?

What Are Your Eyes Saying?
Eye problems plague society today and have for many years. Many of these problems and ailments can be avoided if we would stop and listen to our eyes. They are the best factors in deciding if we are overworking them. If your eyes are straining and tense, your eyes are being damaged. You wouldn't continue straining your arm muscles for long periods of time, you would stop when it hurt and take a break. The eyes should be treated the same way.

The eyes are full of small muscles that are responsible for shortening or lengthening the lens so we can see clearly. Take a look at your eyes right now. Are they straining to read the words on the page? Are the eyes flowing over the words are staring hard at each word? Are you smiling, frowning, or concentrating too hard? If you said yes to any of those, your eye muscles need to relax as soon as possible.
Thoughts can actually affect our vision. When you are thinking pleasant, happy thoughts the eyes are more relaxed. Relaxed eyes have better focus and allow the eyes to make smooth movements. Negative thoughts cause the eyes to strain. Strained eyes tend to stare and the movements of the eye are jerky causing the eyes to hurt.
The eyes don't lie. If your eyes hurt or you feel tense behind the eyes, they are simply trying to tell you to relax. Feel a headache coming on near the eyes or behind them? You are straining your eyes too much and need to relax.
The good news is that it only takes about 15-20 minutes to relax the eyes. Relaxed eyes can focus better and help with comprehension of the things you are reading or looking at. Simply close your eyes and concentrate on the darkness. Forget about the negative stressors going on around you, and think about positive, pleasant things. Picture yourself relaxing on the beach, the waves lapping at your feet, a cold drink in your hand. Keep your thoughts focused on as many pleasant things as you can for the entire 15 minutes. When you open your eyes, you should feel more relaxed and the eyes more focused.

Listening to what the eyes are saying and relax them when they are tired. Taking time out to relax, will help your vision for years to come. 


Improving Eyesight - Understanding Astigmatism

Improving Eyesight - Understanding Astigmatism
Astigmatism is normal as people age. Astigmatism happens when the eyeball loses its roundness and vision starts to become hazy. Astigmatism can also be caused by years of stress and strain on the eyes. The eye is surrounded by tiny muscles that help the eye ball elongate and contract. Years of tension, can weaken these muscles and cause problems when the eyes need to change shape.

The eyes are never ever truly round; they are constantly changing shapes depending on the situation. Everyone has astigmatism every once in awhile. In fact, you can create the illusion of astigmatism right now by pulling on the eye lids and blurring the vision. The eyes will usually fix themselves in a few hours or days; without the use of glasses. Artificial lenses mask the problem and prevent the eyes from healing themselves.
The eyes are amazing organs and they are the first line of defense against tension; we just tend to ignore those signs. If vision because blurry or distorted, your eyes are telling you to relax and take it easy.
When you feel tense, there are some activities you can do, and they only take a few minutes. The first thing to do is relax. Stop what you are doing and take a quick break. You don't have to leave your desk or the area you are working in. Simply move your eyes around. Look away from the screen or the papers in front of you; focus on objects far away and give your eyes a chance to move from near to far.
If you are at home, you can lie on the floor and have someone swing a pendulum over your head. This allows your eyes to focus and follow an object and move. The eyes need to move to work properly. They are not design to start straight ahead for hours at a time. They are made to move and absorb the world around us.

An easy solution to astigmatism is to eat more fruits and vegetables. Eating a more healthy diet can help improve health and eyesight. The important things to remember is to keep your eyes in motion and give them a break every 15-20 minutes.
What Are Your Eyes Saying?
Need A Better Eyesight?

Seeing Without Glasses - Swinging the Eyes

Seeing Without Glasses - Swinging the Eyes
Strain does a number on the body. It causes tension in the face, neck, shoulders, and spine. Tension for long periods of time can cause body aches and illness. Strain and tension affects the muscles around the eyes as well, causing poor vision and eye problems.

Swinging is a method used to loosen up tense muscles in the eyes, spine, shoulders, and neck. Swinging for just five to ten minutes a day can vastly improve your health and eye sight. The process is quite simple too; anyone of any age can do it.
First, stand in front of a window with your back straight and feet shoulder length apart. Next, slowly turn the upper body to the right until you are looking at the wall. Now, turn back the other way, past the window, until you are facing the opposite wall. Repeat the process, swinging back and forth in a steady rhythm for five to ten minutes. Each turn should take two to three seconds.
While you are swinging your eyes are relaxed. Look out the window and allow your eyes to move slowly and naturally with the rest of your body. Don't try to focus on anything outside the window. Allow the scene to move quickly back and forth in front of you. When you first start this exercise, your eyes will automatically try to focus, years of bad habits. Just continue to relax and allow the images to blur in front of you.
The spine needs to remain straight and the arms should be loose at your side. This exercise can help get the spine back into shape and will improve your posture. There is no need for constant chiropractic care or exercises that require too much discipline. This simple swinging exercise is all the spine needs to stay flexible and in shape.

Practice this swinging exercise in the morning and at night before bed. It will allow you to feel relaxed making it a great way to start and end the day. You will sleep more peacefully at night because you are more relaxed. The eyes should not strain too much during the day because they are learning to relax and move around. 
Improving Eyesight - Understanding Astigmatism
Get A Better Vision

Relaxation for the Eyes

Relaxation for the Eyes
The eyes are chalk full of tiny muscles. The muscles main job is to change the shape of the eyes. The eyes change shape so they can focus and move up, down, and side to side. As with any muscle in the body, without proper exercise and training the muscles can weaken as we age. Most people are forced into artificial lenses because the muscles are too weak to change the shape of the eyes.

The lens of the eye hardens with age forcing the muscles to work harder. The eye muscles can be trained to work no matter how hard the lens get. It is the muscles around the eye that control the shape of the eyeballs. Once you learn how to exercise and train these muscles it is easy to put them to good use and avoid the need to ever need glasses.
Almost all eye problems are due to mental strain and excess stress on the eyes. Learning how to relax the eye and the eye muscles is the best thing to ensure you will never need artificial lenses. Relaxing your eyes sounds difficult, but it is much easier than you think. We cause our eyes unneeded strain by looking at things that annoy or irritate us. Take some time out to focus your sights on pleasant things. Put photographs on or around the desk at work of things that bring joy and happiness. Look at these pictures when you are feeling especially frustrated or stress and concentrate on relaxing and calming down.
Practice relaxation the eyes at night while lying in bed. In the darkness, close your eyes and cover them with a sheet or blanket. Let your mind think about pleasant things such as people, places, or things that bring you joy. Thinking pleasant thoughts helps relax the eyes which make them softer. The softer the eyes are the more easily they fit into their sockets. When the eyes are relaxed, they don't stare or strain.

Practice relaxation techniques until they become more natural. Take the time during the work day to relax the eyes for at least 10-15 minutes. You will find you are more energized and can focus more clearly on your work. 
Seeing Without Glasses - Swinging the Eyes
Eye Correction

Protect the Eyes from Glasses or Contacts

Protect the Eyes from Glasses or Contacts
The eyes are one of the most important of the five senses. We need them to see and enjoy the world around us. They allow us to read and get work done. They help remember images we once saw, and they keep our dreams alive at night. The eyes are also sensitive and vulnerable to outside damage. They are one of the few organs that are on the outside of the body, protected only by a thin layer of skin, the eyelids.

The sun is a powerful wonderful thing. The sun is great for your skin and gives us valuable Vitamin D. Each day find the time to spend at least an hour in the sun. The sun has great healing powers and the natural light is as important as food, water, and air. Never look directly at the sun; of course, it can burn the retinas. Wear some kind of protection like a visor or hat to protect the eyes
Televisions and computers are used in our daily lives but they are hard on the eyes. They force eyes to stare for too long and don't offer the eyes enough movement. The distance and angle doesn't ever change, so the eyes remain looking at a still object for too long. It is not always possible to avoid the television or computers, especially computers. Look away every so often and focus on things far away to give your eyes a chance to move and adjust. Try not to spend the entire day in front of the television or at least let your eyes wander during commercials.
Reading is never harmful for the eyes, but it helps to enjoy what you are reading. The eyes will be more relaxed when reading a novel than when reading a text book full of new information. Learning to relax no matter what the subject is the key to enjoying reading. Dim lights and small print may be problematic at first, but the eyes will adjust when relaxed. Reading in bed can be relaxing and reading while driving doesn't have to make you sick.

The eyes are sensitive organs, but learning to relax and keep them protected can ensure great vision for a long time.
Relaxation for the Eyes
Eye Exercise

Improve your Vision - Natural Gateways

Improve your Vision - Natural Gateways
It has been said the eyes are the windows to the soul, but they also our windows to look out and observe the world. Eyes are important for seeing things, reading, working, and even communicating. The eyes are sensitive though, they work hard and they need time to rest and recover from the constant strain put on them.

Did you know that we can cure poor eyesight just by changing a few bad habits? We are extremely hard on our eyes and taking to the time to practice relaxation exercising can help us see more clearly. Even if you have worn glasses for years or are prone to eye problems and eye disease, learning to take the strain and stress away from the eyes can cure all that.
Strain and stress are the main factors affecting poor eyesight. Everyone is born with relatively good eyesight. Throughout our school age years we are taught bad habits that cause our eyes to strain too much. Sitting in a classroom, constantly staring at a blackboard, books, or paper all day leaves our eyes tired and stressed. There is no time between classes or subjects to relax the eyes and give them a few moments of rest. These habits carry over to our adult lives and we do the same thing at work day in and day out.
The body gives out signals when it needs rest. If we spend too much time on household chores the backs starts to hurt and the arms get tired. These signals tell us to take a break, lie down, or just relax for few minutes. Likewise, they eyes can tell you when they need a break as well. The head may start hurting, the eyes start to burn a little, or a slight twitch may develop in one or both eyes. These are signs that the eyes need to rest.

Resting the eyes is as simple as finding a quiet place, relaxing the mind, and closing the eyes so they can re-energize. Bad eyesight doesn't have to happen. We can take steps today to develop the habits that will increase our eyesight for the rest of our lives. 
 Protect the Eyes from Glasses or Contacts
Eye Problems

Learn to Manage Stress for Better Vision

Learn to Manage Stress for Better Vision
The biggest cause of eye problems is stress; whether internal or external. The eyes are full of small muscles that help move them around and lengthen or shorted the lenses. A life full of stress and strain on the eyes can cause some serious problems later in life. The best way to prevent future eye ailments is to learn to manage stress today.

The concept of managing stress is much easy to say then to do. While some people are pros at stress management; other people can only take a little bit before they start screaming and pulling out their hair. Stress happens each and every day so learning how to best deal with the stress is an important and necessary step.
The first step in managing stress is discovering what it is that is stressing you out. If you have no idea what is causing stress, it is really hard to find solutions to the problems. For almost every problem there is a solution. If you are always late, start setting the clocks ahead 10-15 minutes. If your to do list is overwhelming, cut out the things that are not top priority and deal with them at a later date. If traffic gets you going, take a new route to work that is less crowded.
Work is almost always the number one stressor in people's lives. Most people feel overwhelmed with the amount of work they always have, but never ask for help and always take on more. Learn to say no. Saying no isn't going to get your fired; it tells your boss you are aware of your limits and you have just reached them. It is better to complete five amazing projects, then seven or eight mediocre ones. If the work load is too much, talk to your boss or co-workers and let them know you need help.

Simple relaxation techniques can help reduce the stress in your live. Take deep breaths. Close your eyes for a few moments and allow them to relax. Look around and away from the computer a three or four times an hour. Too much strain or stress on the eyes will only cause vision problems later. 
 Improve Your Vision Natural Gateways
How To Improve Eyesight

Eyesight Improvement - Keeping the Eyes Moving

Eyesight Improvement - Keeping the Eyes Moving
A clear mind is always on the go. The mind is constantly working out solutions to problems and solving the issues of the day. A mind that is stressed or strain struggles to work properly. The mind can get overwhelmed and then freeze and become stagnate. Problems don't get solved and issues continue to pile up. Likewise, the eyes need movement to work properly. When the eyes are relaxed, they are moving around and enjoying the world around them. When eyes are strained, they stare and vision worsens.

The eyes love to stay busy, rapidly moving around and taking in the sights all around us. Eyes don't like to stop moving and focus on only one item. When this happens, the eyes start to strain and concentrate and vision is not as accurate. Your eyes and brain work at a much more rapid pace then we give them credit for. When we are out in nature, the eyes are moving quickly from one tree or flower to the next. The only time they stop and stare is when your brain isn't aware of what it is looking at. If you are looking at roses and then a unknown flower comes into focus, you will stop and stare until you realize it is a daisy and then move on.
Eyes never stop moving, unless we force them to. Even when we are asleep the eyes are moving around in the darkness. When the eyes are still for too long, they start to become damaged and lose the focus. Eye movement should always be smooth and flowing, never jerky or bouncing around.

You can teach the eyes to move smoothly by tracing objects. The eyes don't have to look from one item to the next in jerky movements. Try tracing around the edges of objects. Look out the window allowing your eyes to outline cars, buildings, trees, and bushes. After a few times, the objects should start to get clearer and the color brighter. You can trace just about anything, couches, chairs, and the television. Do this exercise at least once a day to train the eyes to really look at things and not just stare.
Learn To Manage Stress For Better Vision
Eye Exercises

What is Strabismus

What is Strabismus
There are many eye issues out there. Some are familiar like astigmatism, and near- or far-sightedness. Strabismus is an eye problem as well and is more commonly known as cross-eyed or lazy eye. Strabismus can be either of those problems and they can be healed without the use of artificial lenses like glasses or contacts.

Simply put, Strabismus is the inability of both eyes working together to focus on an object. To see things clearly, both eyes need to focus on the object. This process takes a lot of mental focus and can be straining if one tries too hard. The eyes need to work together to get the distance correct and look at an object at the same time.
If we lose concentration, the eyes will actually do their own thing. One eye may be focused and the other is off in its own world refusing to participate. We call it cross-eyed when one eye is focused and the other is turned out or slightly up or down. Lazy eye is when one eye takes longer to catch up to the other one.
When you are stressed, the eye muscles tense up and become strained. When the eye muscles are too tense, they may pull the eye in whatever direction they feel like. Sometimes Strabismus is more of an unconscious problem. Problems between the thoughts and feelings inside may cause one eye to look away. The left eye is the feeling side and the right eye is the thinking side. Depending on which eye is the lazy one, you may be able to figure out the inner conflict.
Children and adults who are diagnosed with Strabismus often also have symptoms of ADHD. These people have the hardest time finding stability and fight for attention between two people. These thought patterns can cause the person to feel out of control which will only worsen the problem.

One way to solve the Strabismus problem is to relax. Figure out what the inner conflict is all about and take steps to make peace. Relax and take time out for yourself, is the best cure for any vision ailment. 
Eyesight Improvement - Keeping the Eyes Moving
Eye Surgery Cost

The Bates Method

The Bates Method
Dr. William Bates spend years studying vision problems. He attended and graduated from Cornell University and became a teacher and researcher of ophthalmology in the New York area. Bates created many vision improvement methods and believed that anyone can see without glasses. His methods were developed teach the eyes ways to improve and heal themselves.

The Bates Method was developed to help school age children absorb more knowledge without straining their eyes. Dr. Bates learned that most bad habits and eye problems begin in school age children. Children have a natural curiosity to learn new things. However, when material is constantly shoved down their throats and they are forced to memorize tons of uninteresting information, the mind gets tired and the eyes start to strain.
Likewise, looking at new information causes the eyes to strain in order to commit it to memory. All day, every day children are forced to absorb new material, whether it interests them or not. They are not given a chance to allow the eyes to relax or take a break. This is where the Bates Method comes in.
Bates' Method is actually quite simple. He created a large chart full of common shapes and letters. The chart was placed on the wall in the front of the classroom and the children were encouraged to look over at the chart whenever they felt overwhelmed. Even looking at the chart for three minutes a day, takes the strain away from the eyes.
The Bates Method was implemented in a few schools and the teachers noticed a vast improvement in concentration and progress. The eyes were able to relax and the strain was removed. Unfortunately, the school board felt the method was too distracting and the method is no longer in practice. In fact, China is the only country that teaches students vision training.
The Bates Method can be used by just about anyone though. You could create your own chart and place it in your office. Glance at the card several times during the day to keep the eyes relaxed and alleviated the strain on the eyes. Training your eyes to relax will help improve vision today and for the rest of your life.

 FAQ:What is Strabismus?     Improve Eyesight

The Art Of Palming

The Art Of Palming
There are various steps and procedures one can take to help improve eyesight. Poor eyesight is condition caused by our own bad habits of ignoring the needs of our eyes. The eyes are a delicate, important organ in the body and they need just as much care as the other organs.

Palming is a way to help the eyes relax, naturally. Eyes are in constant motion, even when we are sleeping, the eyes are moving around. It's not possible to completely stop the eyes from moving because they need to stay lubricated. However, we can slow down their motion and help them relax.
In order to relax the eyes, you must first relax your mind. If your mind is running away with its thoughts, your eyes will strain to keep up. Palming helps relax the mind and the eyes all at the same time. The procedure is simple and takes less than 20 minutes, but you can do it for however long you need to.
The first step is to rub your hands together to get them nice and warm. Next, place one palm over each eye. Be sure to cup the palms so they are never directly touching the eyes or putting pressure on the eyelids. Your elbows should be resting on a hard surface, like a table or your knees.
The next step is to relax, fully relax. With your eyes closed beneath your palms, feel the muscles in your body start to relax. Start from the top of your head and slowly move down to your toes, feeling each muscle in between start to relax. The more relaxed you are, the darker the blackness your eyes see will be. At first, you may see a grayish color but as you relax that gray will become a darker and darker shade of black. The deeper the blackness, the more relax your eyes are.
You want to clear your mind of all thoughts. Forget all the lists and things that need to get done and focus solely on the darkness. If it helps, you can picture pleasant things like flowers blossoming or the waves of the ocean. Try to stay in this relaxed stage for at least 15 minutes.

Once you open your eyes again, things will be more focused. Colors, shapes, and lines will be more defined and your overall vision will be clearer. 
The Bates Method
Improve Eyesight Naturally

Relaxing All the Way Down

Relaxing All the Way Down
Relaxation is important for overall health. It reduces stress and helps the body calm down and sleep more soundly. Relaxation relieves unwanted tension and gives an overall good feeling. Relaxation also helps the eyes see more clearly and focus better.

The hardest part of relaxing is silencing the mind. Thoughts move at a rapid pace and as the 'to do' list grows so do the racing thoughts. Shutting down the mind is the tricky part of total relaxation, but it is possible. The key is to move all that energy stuck in the head down through the entire body and out the feet. May sound like hocus pocus, but it actually works through a process known as 'exhaling through the feet'.
Here's how it works. Lie on your back in a dark room, works great just before bed. Imagine your breath moving from your lungs down through the entire body. As you exhale, picture the air moving down toward your toes. Picture your breath passing through every organ, heart, liver, kidneys, and continuing down the thighs, calves, ankles, and toes. Exhale completely, until all the air is out of your lungs and the next breath naturally comes. Inhale naturally, don't force anything, and let your body do its own work. Once the lungs are full once again, start the process again of picturing the air moving through the body.
Repeat the process as many times a possible until you fall into a deep sleep. The next morning you will feel relaxed and refreshed ready to face the day. A great night's sleep is important to reduce stress and strain and start the day out right. Staying up late and waking up early, leaves us feeling groggy and lacking sleep. This can leave us 'off' for the remainder of the day. We are not as productive and the eyes are straining through the day. Plenty of rest, but not too much, starts the day out right and in a positive mind frame. We will feel more productive and happy to get work done.

Learning to relax is an important habit to pick up. Once you learn good relaxation techniques, getting to sleep will come more naturally. Your body and eyes will thank you.
The Art Of Palming
Improve Vision

Improving Eyesight - Near or Far

Improving Eyesight - Near or Far
Two of the most common visually ailments are Myopia and Presbyopia; otherwise known as near-and far-sightedness. Both are ailments effect vision and the distance that is seen when looking at objects. Both ailments can be cured on their own if allowed. Almost all eye ailments are caused from bad habits learned as children, and strain on the eyes.

Myopia is caused by the eyeballs elongating. This ailment is caused by habits which include only looking at objects close up for long periods of time. This starts out in school age children who are forced to learn things from books and other materials requiring close contact focus.
Myopia becomes a problem due to strain on the eyes, pressure, anxiety, or frustration. The pressure young children have to succeed is enormous. When information is boring, it is hard to actually learn. Looking at material for long periods of time without a break can cause the eyes to strain on close up information.
Near-sightedness can also be contributed to mental strain and psychological issue. Myopia can be part of an anxiety or nervousness about the future. Subconsciously the person may be afraid of what lays ahead of them and are unable to look ahead to the future. In this case, they are comfortable where they are and feel safe in their close up world.
Presbyopia is the ability to see things in the distant but not things close up. Far-sightedness starts affecting people in their 40s. This is when the lenses start to harden. The muscles around the eye can still be train to force the eyes to contract even with harden lenses. This ailment is believed to be part of getting older, so we just accept the problem and get glasses. We allow our eyes to become lazy and learn to rely on artificial lenses to get us through each day.
Presbyopia can also be 'all in the mind'. People start to look too far to the future and refuse to look at things right in front of them. They allow their focus to be on retirement instead of on fixing the leaking faucet today.

Both these ailments can be avoided by allowing the eyes to move around naturally each day. If you are studying something up close for most of the day, spend an hour or so looking at things in the distance. If you are looking at things far away grab a book and read some pages.
Relaxing All the Way Down
Improve your eyesight

Diet and Vision

Diet and Vision
Did you know that eating a better is not only good for your health but can help improve vision too? Well, it does. A healthy diet and exercise is good for your health which in turn will keep your eyes working properly.

A healthy diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, proteins, and dairy products. For proteins try to add more fish into your diet, it has the essential Omega-3 fatty acids that are great for the brain and mental focus. Dairy products are good but stay away from pasteurized and homogenized milk because they tend to clog arteries and limit the eye circulation. The best vegetables are carrots, spinach, bean sprouts, endive, celery, and cucumber.
Everyone feels the need to splurge every once in a while, but too much processed and deep-fried foods can cause serious complications on eyesight and health. Stick with foods that are high in vitamins A, B, C, D, and E as they are all just the nutrients the body craves. Some other treats that are high in nutrients are sunflower seeds, raisins, pecans, soy beans, liver, and apricots.
The body comes complete with its own pH balance system to keep an equal amount of acid and alkaline. Too much acid causes uric crystals to develop around the joints leading to arthritis. The acid also damages the muscles around the eyes. The body needs fruits, vegetables, grains, and animal products to maintain the balance. Fruits and vegetables reduce the amount of acid in the body; grains and animal products increase the acid. The goal is to find the perfect balance between the two. Most people don't eat enough fruits and vegetables, so to find balance start there.
Finding a good mix to the foods you eat together can help the body break down foods and digest nutrients properly. Too many carbohydrates taken with protein, like meat and potatoes, can be hard for the body to break down leaving you feeling as if food is just sitting on the gut. Proteins should be mixed with vegetables, meat and a salad. The body will be able to break it down easily and the proper amount of nutrients will be absorbed.
Eat to your health and to better eyesight. 
Read about:
Improving Eyesight - Near or Far
Laser Eye Center

Throw Away the Glasses - Heal Glaucoma Naturally

Throw Away the Glasses - Heal Glaucoma Naturally
Everyone has heard of Glaucoma, but what is it exactly? Glaucoma is a condition caused by excess pressure to the eyeballs. Although it sounds painful, most people have no idea they even have it. Glaucoma is scary because by the time the first symptoms show up it is too late to do anything about it. Once the downhill spiral begins, there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

The first symptoms of Glaucoma are tunnel vision and the narrowing in the field of vision. This quickly moves into the final stages of Glaucoma which is permanent blindness.
The main causes of Glaucoma are poor circulation around the eyes, plugged channels, and poor drainage. These symptoms are caused by too much stress, strain, outside stressors, and too many toxins in the body.
The only cure for Glaucoma is to give medication for the tension or to drain the fluid from the eyes. These are both quick fixes and they only work to relive the symptoms, not the problem. Most people will still end up with blindness. These fixes just prolong the inevitable for awhile longer.
Glaucoma is usually caused by stress and once diagnosed with the disease the stress doesn't stop. In most cases, the stress only becomes worse. Now people are anxious and nervous and scared of the blindness. Fear of the unknown and worry starts to consume their daily life, only adding to the stress and strain on the eyes. In the end, they are only making the symptoms worse instead of taking steps to try and fix the issue.
Anyone who suffers from Glaucoma should seek medical attention because if left undetected permanent blindness will happen. However, you can take steps to cure your eye ailments yourself by learning to relax the eyes. Take the time each night to fully relax before going to sleep. While lying in bed with your eyes closed, picture your muscles relaxing from your head down to your toes. Concentrate especially on relaxing those muscles around the eyes. Fully relaxing before falling asleep will ensure a better night's sleep and waking up refreshed.

Glaucoma may be a scary thought, but by learning to relax the eyes you can take natural steps to cure the ailment. 
Diet and Vision
Laser eye correction

Glasses, Vision & The Mind

Glasses, Vision & The Mind
Vision plays a large part in the memory's process. The better an image is processed the easier it is to recall later. The more relaxed the eyes are, the better they can absorb an image. Too much stress and strain on the eyes are the main causes of most eye problems and ailments.

The brain and the eyes work closely as a team. The eyes have to first capture an image and focus on the shape, size, and colors. The mind needs to interpret that information which is seen and then store it for recall later. Images that we see daily take mere seconds to interpret and remember. New images take a little bit longer. The more focused the eyes are on an image the more strong the memory will become. When looking at new object, pay attention to the lines around it, the borders, colors, size, shape, and anything else that will make recall easier later. Of course, the more relaxed the eyes are the quicker the mind can process and memorize new objects.
Concentrating too hard or focusing on images that doesn't interest us causes unneeded strain and it will be difficult to remember them later. In order to maximize the memory, the image must first be viewed in a calm and relaxed manner. Below is a short exercise to try in order to get the mind and eyes to relax and work together properly.
First find a comfortable position, this could be sitting in your favorite chair or lying on the floor. Whichever your preference, make sure the spine is straight and the hands are relaxed at your side. Next, close your eyes and picture the number 5 down to 0 in your mind. Exhaling, really see the 5 in your mind. Let the eyes follow the black lines of the 5 and really picture the number. Relax and exhale completely by letting all the air out of your lungs until you naturally take the next breath.
Allow the lungs to fill completely with air and then picture the number 4. Again, picture the number completely while you exhale. Really see the lines, the black color, the shape; don't stop picturing the number until all the air has left your lungs and the next breath comes naturally. Do this all the way down to 0.

In time you should be able to visualize images in the mind more clearly and feel more relaxed in the processed. 
Throw Away the Glasses - Heal Glaucoma Naturally
Lasser eye surgery

Sharpen Your Eyesight - Focus on the Center

Sharpen Your Eyesight - Focus on the Center
Eyesight is perfect when you see things dead on most clearly. This is called Center Fixation and means whatever you see in the center of your vision is what you see the best. Perfect eyesight works when you look at things straight on and don't have to move your head or eyes to the side to focus.

When your vision is off, you actually look at the side of an object to see it clearly. Test this theory and see where you currently stand. Find a piece of paper with small print on it. Look at the words straight on and then turn your head to the side until you can read the print. Move your head one way and then the other until you find the best position for reading the print perfectly. Are you straight on or to the side?
The retina is located in the center of the eye and is full of small light sensing rods. This area is called the fovea centralis and is the area of the eye created to have the best line of vision. If you are tilting your head to the side to see properly, the fovea centralis is not working correctly. The fovea centralis may actually even be turned off. As a defense against outside dangers or stress, this area can shut down to protect itself. If it is turned off, your vision will not be as perfect as it can be.
Vision can be affected by our feelings and emotion. Center fixation can be off because of negative feelings inside our minds. Negative memories, experiences, or people can force our eyes to turn away and avoid head on contact. A lot of vision problems are 'all in our heads'. Learning to deal with tough situations in a relaxed way can be difficult, but it's necessary for good vision. Every situation should be looked at and dealt with head on, not with a turned away from.

Simply learning how the eyes work can help us to use them properly. Training the eyes to focus on things straight on will help avoid strain and keep them relaxed. 
Glasses, Vision & The Mind
Lasik Eye surgery

Fearing Cataracts - Are They Dangerous

Fearing Cataracts - Are They Dangerous
The eyes come with their fair share of problems and health concerns. One of the major ailments is cataracts. This happens with age; as the eye gets old the lens becomes weaker. Cataracts cause a cloudy spot on the lens or cornea and vision becomes blurry. The lens of the eye has become denser and loses the transparency it once had.

The first solution the eye doctor will give is surgery. Surgery is the only way to fix the problem; or so you have been told. They will wait until the cataract is big enough to remove with surgery. The whole left in the eye will be replaced with a plastic lens so you can see once again. This process is expensive and may only work for a short while before coming back in another area of the eye or the other eye.
The number one cause of cataracts is stress. Most people who get cataracts have gone through some seriously stressful situations or life a high stress life. They never take the time to relax and are always on the go. Another cause is a poor diet, high in cholesterol and carbohydrates and low in vitamins and fruits or vegetables.
You can reduce the risk of cataracts today by learning to relax the eyes and eating a more healthy diet. Choose foods that are high in Vitamins A-E and increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat. Try to live a healthy lifestyle which includes regular exercise, no smoking, and little to no alcohol consumption.
Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and mental strain. Find the time to exercise at least every 5-6 days; even a brisk walk around the block is better than nothing. Take some time for yourself and relax. Lie out in the sun after work and close your eyes for 10-15 minutes as often as possible. Move things off the 'to do' list that can wait and don't require immediate attention. Learn to say 'no' and try not to take on more than you can handle.
Avoiding stress and strain in your life can help improve your eyesight naturally. Cataracts are caused from too much strain and living a stressful live, so do your eyes a favor and relax. 
Read More:
Sharpen Your Eyesight Focus On Center
Natural Vision

Exercises for the Eyes

Exercises for the Eyes
Staring and straining or the worse things you can do to your eyes. After a long day at work, the eyes are tired and need to relax and renew to improve vision. The constant strain day in and day out does nothing but damage the eyes. Below are three exercises design to remove the eye strain.

The first exercise is the Dot exercise. To do this find a period or comma on the page and focus on making it as clear as possible. Stare at the period until it comes into focus. Chances are after a few seconds the period will actually became less clear and blurry.
Try relaxing your eyes. Close them for a minute and let them relax. Now look at the period without straining. Don't stare; instead, let your eyes slowly move around the page, over and around the period. Don't focus only on the period, the eyes need movement. Make sure to blink a bit. Try closing your eyes and picturing the dot and then look at it again. Once the eyes are relaxed it should be easier to see the period.
The second exercise is the Word exercise. Find a word on the page that is five or more letters long. Stare at the word so that all the letters are in view, but don't move the eyes. Focus entirely on the whole word trying to get the best image in your head. Again, staring and concentrating hard is going to cause the word to blur.
Now, relax your eyes and allow them to move slowly over, around, and across each letter of the word. Blink. Allow the eyes to lead you; don't force them to look at what you want. The word should be clearer when you look at it again. Letter the eyes move around is what will help them work best without the strain.
The third exercise is the Double Vision exercise. This exercise is meant to get your eyes to work together as a team. Most people use one eye to look at an object, while the other eye does its own thing. Squinting can help bring an object into focus with both eyes, but this causes unnecessary stress. The trick is to relax the eyes, focus on the object in a calm way, and allow both eyes to focus together.

Learning exercises to relax the eyes is a great way to develop lasting habits and ensure great eyesight for years to come. 
Fearing Cataracts - Are They Dangerous
Program for better Vision

Computers and Eyesight

Computers and Eyesight
More and more jobs require the use of computers. With the information age being available on the computer, more and more people are spending endless hours in front of the screen. After a long day in front of the computer, it is common to start feeling tired, irritable, or pain in the eyes or head. Staring at computers and forgetting to relax and give the eyes a break can cause permanent damage and eye problems.

No one is expected to live a life without computers; we all need them and are use to them being a part of our daily lives. However, it is important to listen to our bodies and relax or take a break when necessary.
Listen to your body; it knows better than you do when it's time for a break. Do not work until your eyes burn; you missed all the previous signs. Take short breaks every hour of work. This means get at least once every hour and walk around. However, taking breaks isn't enough. Look away from the screen every 15-20 minutes for a minute or two. Look at things close and far away to allow the eyes to adjust and move around. The goal is to avoid the strain in the first place.
Blink as often as you can to keep the eyes lubricated. Take a few minutes to roll the eyeballs around; you can do this with your eyes open or closed to avoid looking silly. Open and close your eyes often to give them a short break. Yawn if you have too. Yawning stretches out the jaw muscles and keeps them from becoming tense causing headaches and eyes strain.
Move around as much as possible. You should always be in a comfortable position so adjust your body or chair as often as needed. Move the keyboard or monitor so you aren't stretching your neck or looking at things at a strange angle. Try to avoid glare on the monitor, move it around as the sun moves or get a screen protector.

Keep the work area bright and well lit. Bright lights lighten up the mood and keep you feeling positive. Dim lights only bring down your mood and cause you to feel sluggish. Making minor changes in the work space and taking breaks often can keep long hours in front of the computer from permanently damaging the eyes. 
Exercises for the Eyes
see better

Better Vision for Greater Memory

Better Vision for Greater Memory
To keep the memory sharp, it is important to maintain vision. Relaxation is the key to maintain vision for many years. Vision and mental focus go hand in hand and both don't do well with strain and stress. Relaxation and inner peace is important in remembering things. All these things rely on each other to work properly.

A great way to test the condition of the eyes is a mental memory exercise. In this exercise, the goal is to maintain a visual image for as long as possible. To start, cover one eye and glance quickly at a letter on the page with the other eye. Close your eyes and hold the image of the letter in your mind as long as possible. Count how many seconds the image stays in your mind before fading away to darkness. Take note of this number. Do the same thing for the other eye and compare the results.
Now relax the eyes and try again. One way to relax the eyes is to close them and concentrate only on pleasant thoughts and good memories. Allow your eyes to focus on the darkness and forget everything around you. Open your eyes and try the exercise again. Hopefully the results are different and the image stayed longer the second time around. If not, you may need to find some eye relaxing exercises and work on removing the strain.
Vision affects memory. We need the vision to see the image. The more clearly we see the image the more detail we can recall on later. Focusing on the positive events will help keep the mind relaxed and the eyes free of strain.
The following exercise will help you relax and improve your memory. Try it tonight. While lying in bed tonight focus on all the positive things that happened throughout the day. Picture the events of the in as much detail and color as possible. Try picturing your lunch or the clothes the person who complimented you was wearing. Focusing on the positive will clear your mind, relax the body, and give you a better night's sleep.

Removing the strain from the eyes will not only improve your vision it will also improve your memory.
Computers and Eyesight
see clearer